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Canóvanas is more!
The mayor and other residents of Canóvanas enjoy time in nature.

Taíno mural
A mural showing a Taíno woman with petroglyphs on the left and Yukajú on the right

Afternoon in Canóvanas
This is a view of the Cayniabón at sunset.

Canóvanas is more!
The mayor and other residents of Canóvanas enjoy time in nature.
The municipality of Canóvanas (also known as the City of the Indians)
has a long history rooted in Taíno tradition. This municipality was part
of the region called Cayniabón (Taíno name for the Great River of Loíza),
and pre-colonization, this region was led by two Taíno chiefs. The northern part was led by Chief Yuíza, one of the numerous female chiefs of the island of Borikén (Puerto Rico). The southern part was led by Chief Canobaná
for whom Canóvanas is named.
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